
Perfecto Bauer Garcia 563 Monroe Street, Napa, CA. 94559

Mr. Perfecto Bauer Garcia           Owner of 563 Monroe St. Napa, CA., 94559   Dear Sir or Madam,   I Perfecto Bauer Garcia, am requesting a hearing under 1.24.070. Master Claims: 23-78 and 23-92   Deputy Chief Building Official Mr. Keith Marks sent me an email regarding my parent’s house in which I own now as of April 18, 2023. My understanding is that the Chief Building Official is to monitor his staff and make decisions on a foundation permit whether it should be approved or not.   Building Inspector 1: Mr. Craig Bogen, approved an unsafe foundation on December 23, 2014. Mr. Keith Marks, allowed this unsafe foundation of my parent’s home, why? I had no idea that my foundation was unsafe until Mr. Devon Webb, Napa Code Enforcement sent me a letter I believe it was dated May 31, 2023. I did some research and found out Mr. Craig Bogen and Mr. Keith Marks are responsible for my house at 563 Monroe Street, Napa. My parents were victims of the earthquake and victims of the City of Napa!